The Best Free Campsites in Australia image
Free campsites of Australia are located in all parts over the country. Talking about New South Wales, people can explore Ingar Campground, Bendeela Recreation area, and Newness Campground, Wollemi National Park. Queensland has some of the exotic camping grounds such as Lake Elphinstone, Cumberland Mine Historic Site and Gregory River. In Northern Territory you can get to explore Wolfe creek camp, Two-mile hole, Little river rest area and in Western Australia cliff head, James price point and the famous disappointment rock. Likewise, in Victoria, Blue Pool, Christie’s Beach and Stevenson’s Falls free camping ground are quite famous where as Point Lowly Camping area, Murtho forest Landing and Burra Creek Gorge Reserve are famous in South Australia. All of these camping grounds offer different experiences but have the same expectation that you would be responsible enough.